What Is Digital Colonialism and How Does It Affect Digital Art?

Digital colonialism is a modern extension of colonial power dynamics, now expressed through digital technologies and platforms. Instead of physical territories, the struggle revolves around data extraction, control over digital infrastructure, and the influence on cultural values. Large tech corporations, mostly originating from the Global North, spearhead this process, amassing wealth and power while shaping […]

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The New Empire: Understanding Digital Colonialism and Its Global Impacts

Digital colonialism is one of the most emblematic expressions of contemporary power dynamics, where technology plays a central role in perpetuating inequalities. This concept describes how large technology corporations use digital infrastructure to exert political, economic, and social control, recreating, in new forms, the structures of domination found in historical colonialism. The term “digital colonialism”

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What Aesthetic Characteristics Are Recurrent in Digital Art Produced Within Neoliberal Markets?

Under the aegis of neoliberal markets, digital art emerges as a terrain of pulsating tensions. More than a mere reflection, it is a field of forces where algorithms and market interests intertwine, shaping works that balance technological euphoria with a critique that is sometimes hesitant. Interactivity, programmed obsolescence, and the allure of virtual luxury converge

What Aesthetic Characteristics Are Recurrent in Digital Art Produced Within Neoliberal Markets? Read More »

How Does Digital Art Reflect and Challenge Neoliberal Subjectivity, Marked by Individualism, Competition, and the Logic of Consumption?

Across the expansive terrain of digital art, a multifaceted mirror rises, reflecting the dazzling yet shadowy contours of neoliberal subjectivity. In this space where algorithms converge with creativity, artists shape the tensions of amplified individualism, insatiable competition, and the consumptive logic that defines our era. As they navigate the traps of digital platforms, these artists

How Does Digital Art Reflect and Challenge Neoliberal Subjectivity, Marked by Individualism, Competition, and the Logic of Consumption? Read More »

Does the Presence of Digital Art in Museums Contribute to Its Legitimization and Valorization or Reinforce the Neoliberal Logic of Spectacularization and Consumption?

The inclusion of digital art in contemporary museums provokes both celebration and skepticism, highlighting the complexities and contradictions of its legitimization within the cultural field. On one hand, museums provide digital art with a platform for recognition, helping to consolidate it as a legitimate form of artistic expression. On the other hand, the way these

Does the Presence of Digital Art in Museums Contribute to Its Legitimization and Valorization or Reinforce the Neoliberal Logic of Spectacularization and Consumption? Read More »

What Are the Implications of the Financialization of Art for the Production and Circulation of Digital Art?

Digital art, with its fluidity and adaptability, should be a fertile ground for creative experimentation and global sharing. However, under the dominance of the neoliberal market, it becomes yet another speculative asset, packaged and sold as “exclusive.” The financialization of digital art manipulates its essence to meet the demands of the financial market, creating a

What Are the Implications of the Financialization of Art for the Production and Circulation of Digital Art? Read More »

How Do Reproducibility and Dematerialization in Digital Art Challenge Traditional Notions of Value, Scarcity, and Originality in the Neoliberal Art Market?

Digital art, with its infinite reproducibility and weightless existence, stands as a rebellious child in the prim halls of the neoliberal art market. It dismantles the pillars of traditional art commerce — value, scarcity, and originality — like a mischievous algorithm rewriting an old, revered code. The very fabric of the market, built on the

How Do Reproducibility and Dematerialization in Digital Art Challenge Traditional Notions of Value, Scarcity, and Originality in the Neoliberal Art Market? Read More »

How Digital Technologies Act as Mediators of Neoliberal Ideologies in Artistic Practice?

Digital devices permeate our daily lives and are far more than neutral tools. They not only enable the production and consumption of art but also carry the ideological marks of neoliberalism, shaping desires, values, and forms of creation. In a constant interplay between autonomy and control, these technologies act as silent—and often disguised—mediators of market

How Digital Technologies Act as Mediators of Neoliberal Ideologies in Artistic Practice? Read More »

How Does Neoliberalism Influence the Definition of “Digital Art”?

Neoliberalism exerts a profound and paradoxical influence on the definition of what is considered “digital art,” shaping not only artistic production but also its structures of value, reception, and perception. Like an invisible wind, it blows through the codes, algorithms, and artistic intentions, creating financial storms disguised as cultural revolutions. By reducing the aesthetic and

How Does Neoliberalism Influence the Definition of “Digital Art”? Read More »

How Does the Neoliberal Art Market Appropriate Digital Art and Subject It to the Logic of Profit?

Digital art, born as a promise of aesthetic and social revolution, is now imprisoned by a paradox: while its nature is one of expansion, reproducibility, and accessibility, artists find themselves constrained by the straitjacket of artificial scarcity. What could have been a fertile ground for innovation and democratization has been transformed into a speculative game,

How Does the Neoliberal Art Market Appropriate Digital Art and Subject It to the Logic of Profit? Read More »